April 21, 2023

Important Dates   

  • April 25 Start of Smarter Balanced Testing
  • April 25 Author Visit - Jeanne Zulick Ferruolo

Electronics Policy

As we approach the upcoming Smarter Balanced Testing period, it is extremely important that students follow the expectations listed below. Use of a device during testing will result in a security breach. Please review this important reminder with your child and consider keeping all devices at home.

Cell Phones - Digital Devices - Including Smart Watches
All student devices included but not limited to: Cell Phones / Smart Watches (or watches with internet capability), Cameras, Electronic Translation Devices must be kept in their lockers throughout the day.

Electronic devices of any kind may only be used in school when a lesson requires such use as directed by a staff member.

Buses - Electronics

The use of electronics on the bus is a privilege that may be revoked. All parents and students need to be fully informed of the electronics policy and be aware that all aspects of it will be strictly enforced.
• Electronics may only be used on the bus by the student who owns the electronic device.
• The electronic device (phone, tablet, game console, etc.) must be on mute or have headphones attached.
• Students may not share ear buds/headphones.
• Students may not photograph, video, access social media, nor post or re-post any images on social media that were obtained while on the school bus.
• A student may be instructed to give their device to the driver for the remainder of the bus ride at which time based on the circumstances, it may be returned to the student, or turned over to the parent or a school administrator.


Smarter Balanced Testing

Just a reminder that testing is coming up soon. This letter was sent home with students in March:

Pet Photo Contest

The JJIS Horse Club Production Company is sponsoring a Pet Photo Contest to support the CT Draft Horse rescue in Colchester.