Math at JJIS
Please fee free to reach out to us anytime if you have any questions or concerns.
Math/Science Coach, Kristen Cleasby [email protected]
Math Teacher, Prema Shanley [email protected]
Grade Level Concepts
Common Core Grade 3
Common Core Grade 4
Common Core Grade 5
Family Newsletters
Created to give parents and students a better understanding of the math concepts found in Eureka Math.
Grade 3 Module 1
Grade 3 Module 2
Grade 3 Module 3
Grade 3 Module 3
Grade 3 Module 5
Grade 3 Module 6
Grade 4 Module 1
Grade 4 Module 2
Grade 4 Module 3
Grade 4 Module 4
Grade 4 Module 5
Grade 4 Module 6
Grade 5 Module 1
Grade 5 Module 2
Grade 5 Module 3
Grade 5 Module 4
Grade 5 Module 5
Grade 5 Module 6
Stuck on a concept? Check out any of these Eureka Videos!
Eureka Homework Help with D. Habecker
LEARN EUREKA MATH WITH JJIS STUDENTS! Watch these videos to see students solving and explaining their math application problems. Just watching will make you smarter! View the Links to videos of kids doing their math work!
Parent Guides to our Math Modules
The JJIS math lab provides students with opportunities to practice math and learn at their own pace. We use many online programs that can also be accessed from home if your child would like to work on math!
Freckle Student Login: Click here
Kakooma (new!)
Deep Sea Dual (new!)
Figure This Challenges from NCTM
Cool Math Skills lessons and activities
Fun Brain Skills games (for practice, not teaching the concepts)
Parent and Teacher Resources
Learn Zillion: A website that has video lessons to help parents and students understand math concepts or how math concepts are being taught. Videos are often appropriate for students to watch as well. Search for your grade-level and topic on the left or input a video quick code. Example: If you want to learn how to plot a unit fraction on a number line input this quick code: LZ1727
NCTM Illuminations (interactives) Lessons, interactive activities and resources for teachers and parents. Scroll over to the right to choose interactives that are appropriate for a certain grade level.
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives Concept building activities. These require some instruction for students using it (help found in upper right of each activity) but really help students understand how math works!